Thursday, July 05, 2007

theatre work

I'm sorry I haven't posted much about crafty stuff! I've been busy this summer with theatre work, and so my crafty sewing time has been being spent out in the hot sun painting sets. I love it.

Here are some pictures from Taming of the Shrew, which I designed(and painted) the set for at Shakespeare Orange County.

That's Shrew so far. I'm scrambling to paint it before opening next week.

All the stuff that might look somewhat scaffoldingish is intentional. The set build actually is complete.

Walls. With plants.

My really cute paint assistant, Katie.

A couple bannerish drops

This is me and a doughnut.

The best thing about working outdoors is shirtless carpenters.

I love summer.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Your painting assistant is cute. And wow, I didn't see those up close photos of the tarps and painted parts til now - it's pretty awesome how accurate to your original drawings they are.